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Goodbye from Discovery Summer 2017

Academic English

Hi! My name is Carolina (pictured centre front), I’m from Spain and I have spent three weeks in Uppingham with Discovery Summer. I’m on the ‘Academic English’ course to prepare myself for a future year in a British boarding school. We have learnt lots of new things; in maths and IT class we have learnt more new vocabulary and in geography how to name all sorts of places. In literature and humanities we have improved our speaking in debates and our writing too. We have been working very hard but we had good lessons too. For example today, our teacher Yohan took us to a well-known Art Gallery in Uppingham. We spent that day learning how to express our own ideas about different paintings and we learnt some interesting things about culture too. In the afternoons we haven’t lost time because the activity leaders always have sports to practise or something funny for us to do.
