Hello everybody! My name is Charlotte Langenfeld (14) and I come from Germany. I spent two weeks in Uppingham to do the Academic English course and I am very happy about making that decision. I am doing this course as preparation for one year at an English boarding school. I can really say that those two weeks were helping me.
I have learnt many new things, like vocabulary of course but I also lost my fear of speaking English and making mistakes. Now I just speak without thinking. We study different topics, but I like English the best, because we’re doing a very good project at the moment: the task is to form groups and write a sitcom sketch with British humour, which is a bit special, but great. Interesting characters and funny situations with a bit of ridiculous dialogue – we have a lot of fun together. Outside of the school time, we have the choice between many activities like different sports, card games or drama. I have met many new friends from different countries, with which I will stay in contact, for sure!
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