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Goodbye from Discovery Summer 2017

How clean is your bedroom?

1st Prize Winners Edouard and Vincent after their supermarket sweep

Week 1 "Big Bedroom Clean Up Competition" winners are awarded prizes by the House Parent, and a Discovery Consultant

Jakub and English Student Host Josh take 3rd prize for their snake shaped towels and offer of chocolate digestives for the judges

Acutely aware that some students' bedroom carpets were becoming invisible, we introduced the "Big Bedroom Clean Up Competition" in Samworths, the largest boys boarding house at Uppingham, to incentivise students to use their wardrobes, clean up their floors and make their beds. In return, three prizes for the best rooms were up for grabs - including the much sought after first prize of a chauffeured trip to local supermarket Tesco with a Discovery Summer voucher! Students have never enjoyed cleaning so much - parents please take note for when your child returns home.


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