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Goodbye from Discovery Summer 2017

Discovery Summer Uppingham 2012..... The Best Yet!!!

A HUGE Thank You goes out to all the staff and students who were part of Discovery Summer Uppingham 2012. It has been a wonderful five weeks of fun laughter and lots of learning.

Class of Weeks 1 and 2
We hope you have all enjoyed it? It wouldn't have been possible without all the teachers, ALs and Head Office staff to whom we are all incredibly grateful. Another massive thanks goes out to all of our Student Hosts who have had the honour of wearing the wonderful blue t-shirts. And it certainly wouldn't have been the same without THE BEST STUDENTS IN THE WORLD!!!!

We hope to see you again next year, if not in Uppingham perhaps at one of our other Discovery Centres!
Class of Week 4

Goodbye and safe journey to wherever home may be!!  
