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Goodbye from Discovery Summer 2017

Pre Boarding on Safari!!

22 students from Pre-Boarding enjoyed a double field excursion on Monday.

The first was to Rutland Water Nature Reserve, which was teeming with a variety of wildlife from mighty Beech trees to the tiniest bugs. They spent time looking under logs and getting to know beetles, then dipped their sample nets into a huge muddy pond which was home to thousands of fish, insects and newts. Then, they sat in a bird-watching hide and watched a brilliant display of visiting birds.

In the afternoon, the students conducted a similar survey of wildlife in Samworth’s House garden, where they noticed a big difference in living creatures from what they had recorded at the Nature Reserve.

The weather was kind to us, and a brilliant day finished off our study of Balance within Ecosystems.

Well done, Academic Pre-Boarding students!



