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Goodbye from Discovery Summer 2017

Uppingham really has got a lot of talent

One of the best nights of every Discovery Summer School has to be the Talent Show. Tonight's competition was no different and it filled all the staff with incredible pride that so many of our amazing students had the courage to stand up, perform and receive the accolades of their new friends.
Dancing, singing, playing the piano or rapping, all of our participants (except maybe our six new 'female' Student Hosts) showed a huge amount of talent and courage this evening and hopefully you will agree that they all deserve a massive congratulations all around, especially those performing in public for the very first time!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Many apologies! Our default setting is private so that we only post the videos of the highest quality. I hope you like it!

    1. Actually, I have just managed to access the video! Thank you, it is great!

  3. Great!! Please forward the URL for our blog to family and friends so they can see what a great time everybody is having!


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