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Goodbye from Discovery Summer 2017

Presentation Day!

Yesterday we had our week 3 presentations. They students showed us what they'd been doing in their English Workshops. The theme for Discovery Plus this week was Middle Ages. The students read us their Medieval-style Poetry which they wrote themselves. 

The Comic Workshop students showed us their comics which they'd hand drawn

Some of the Discovery Plus students read us their poetry

The Discovery Plus students!

The International Tea Workshop looked at different afternoon snacks around the world and created their own recipe book

The Magazine Workshop presented their work, each pair focused on a different section of the magazine, such as the gossip column, interviews and cooking sections

Some of the Japanese students presented their section of the magazine on Asian culture 

The Photo Story Workshop team 

Some students and student hosts relaxing before the presentations

Our Purple Wristband winners this week (these are rare and very special!)

The Stars of the Day wearing their winning sunglasses

Goodbye to all our Week 3 Leavers!
