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Goodbye from Discovery Summer 2017

Workshop Presentations

Our first presentation of workshop activities took place yesterday afternoon with students sharing with the rest of their new friends, just some of the things they have been working on in week one. The activities were all done enthusiastically and the end results are things that all of our students can be very proud of. I do wonder how they are going to get those Big Head Masks in their suitcases though!! The Big Heads Mask-making Workshop was hugely popular and the end results were a mixture of the surreal to the world of cartoons, with a guest appearance from Sponge-Bob-Squarepants!

The Newsletter Workshop produced some outstanding publications to keep our students informed of what is going on here in Uppingham and around the world!

The Graffiti and Caligraphy Workshop fproduced some amazing work linked to their own countries and cultures. Their work will be on display in the school until the end of their work.

The Photo-Story Workshop created picture/text collages with a strong storyline in each one. Some of their work will soon be posted on this blog!

Jaime and Alberto modelling their designer t-shirts

Much more to come Next Week!!!

Girls modelling the designer t-shirts made in Fashion and Jewellry Workshops
