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Goodbye from Discovery Summer 2017

Lessons and Workshops

 Today saw lessons and workshops taking place in both the English and Multi-Activity Course and the Pre-Boarding courses. This means lots of thinking, talking and working in English and our students have risen to that challenge with a great deal of enthusiasm.
 As you can see from this pictures, our students in Pre-Boarding have been working hard to organise their folders for the next few weeks of lessons in Humanities, Maths and Science.
 In science, they have been looking at the science of communication and waves. The telephone was invented over one hundred years ago by Alexander Graham Bell and his invention still drives forward  mankind's desire to communicate.
 Our students were comparing the way sound travels through different communication lines. Particularly comparing plastic, string and metal as media for transporting waves.
 The results of the experiment were a surprise to some, but that is the point of science. Not everything works as you'd expect it to, but that is what makes life interesting and what keeps scientists in jobs!
 In the Poetry Workshop on the EMA course, the students have been looking at the poetry structures and looking at how the use of different numbers of syllables makes a difference to the rhythmic appeal of different kinds of poetry.
 In the Film Making workshop there are rumours that James Blond might be putting in an appearance.  Hence the considerable efforts going in to making a replica PPK during this afternoon's session.
 Whilst the other half of the class busy working on their script, we all look forward to seeing the end results on Thursday.
And our afternoon was capped off with a special birthday visit from Jane Merrick our MD. Here she can be seen with Neil, our Academic Director for EMA practicing conversation with one of our younger students who has just arrived and is already having a wonderful time.
