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Goodbye from Discovery Summer 2017

The Oscars Come to Uppingham

Another of our annual events is the Uppingham Oscars. This is a two night event which is a team competition where our colour groups of Lions and Dragons are given a very limited period of time to come up with a storyline, script and to film a short movie. Their Activity Leaders then take the film footage and edit it into a top class Movie ready for Oscar Night.

Here you can see the results of their incredible work in the six movies of Uppingham Oscars 2015. So kick back, slip off your shoes, grab the popcorn and enjoy the Uppingham Oscars!

Film One: Blue Lions - A DS Mockumentary
Winner of Best Motion Picture and Best Actor (Artem)

Film Two: Blue Dragons - James Bond 007

Film 3: Green Dragons - A Day in the Life of....

Film 4: Green Lions - A Love Story
Winner of Best Actress 2015: Celia

Film 5: Yellow Dragons - Spooky House
Winner of Best in Theme Movie 2015

Film 6: Yellow Lions - The Hungry Games


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