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Goodbye from Discovery Summer 2017

Welcome to the Olympic Discovery In Uppingham

The umbrellas are down, the sun is out and we are warming up for the best Discovery Summer Yet!! 

This is the staff team for Discovery Summer Uppingham 2012!!

Wishing you a safe journey to us tomorrow!!

We have had a busy week getting everything ready for your arrival tomorrow, preparing some wonderful lessons, exciting activities and great excursions for you the Discovery Summer Uppingham Class of 2012!!!!!

We have been working really hard on our preparations, but we did manage to take a short break to watch the Olympic flame pass through Uppingham on Tuesday. It was a great honour for the staff to see the flame which is on a journey around the whole UK before arriving in just a couple of weeks time in London, where it's arrival will signal the start of the 2012 London Olympics, which some of our lucky Class of 2012 will be able to go and watch in London!  

Henry (History Teacher), Lauren (Administrator), Julie (Houseparent), Sarah (Social Director) and Basia (English Teacher) watching the Olympic Flame as it is carried past Uppingham School

Basia captures a picture of the Olympic Flame as it travels on it's way to London for the Opening Ceremony on July 27th 
