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Goodbye from Discovery Summer 2017

Excursion to Burghley House

Today, the English and Multi-Activity students went off to Burghley House, near Stamford, to learn about some of the fascinating history and to see some of the impressive grounds.

Burghley House is famous as it has appeared in several films, most recently "The Da Vinci Code" and "Pride and Prejudice".

The students were flabbergasted to learn that it is still a family home!

They saw a rather large kitchen...

As well as some royal bedrooms and dining rooms

But it was tiring work!

And the students did really enjoy the wonderful painted ceilings of the Heaven and Hell rooms...

And after that they visited the Gardens of Surprise, which involve spraying water fountains!

All the students were really impressed by the building and learnt a lot.

Tonight's evening activity is Blind Date... we'll keep you all updated!
